Legal notices

Legal notices and general conditions of use of the website

Article 1. Identity of the company

Company name: HAVEA GROUP
Form: simplified joint stock company
Capital: €261,403,234.00
Head office: Parc d’activité Sud Loire – Boufféré – 85612 Montaigu-Vendée Cedex
RCS La Roche sur Yon 823 334 578
Telephone: +33 (0)
Publication Director: Antonin Vienne
hereinafter the “Company” or “Publisher”

Article 2. Definitions

“Website”: means the website developed by the Company.
“Host”: means the company OVH, a simplified joint stock company with capital of €10,174,560.00 and whose registered office is located at 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France, registered in the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register under number 424 761 419, with which the Website is hosted, as well as the personal data collected from Users via the Website.
Host telephone number: +33 9 72 10 10 07
“User(s)”: means any natural person(s) of legal age who access(es) the content of the Website and its functionalities.

Article 3. Acceptance of the general conditions of use

3.1 Use of the Website and any contribution of its content are subject to acceptance without reservation and compliance with these General Terms of Use (“GTU”).
3.2 Consequently, the User acknowledges having read all of the GTU and declares that he accepts them without reservation.

Article 4. Validity and modification of the T&Cs

4.1 If any of the provisions of these T&Cs were declared null and void or without object with regard to a legislative or regulatory provision in force and/or a court decision having the force of res judicata, the other provisions will remain valid and applicable.
4.2 The Publisher reserves the right to modify the T&Cs, the Website and its contents, at any time and without notice, in particular to comply with legislative and regulatory changes.

Article 5. Navigation on the website

5.1 The Publisher allows access to the Website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to the extent of the technical means at its disposal.
5.2 The Publisher may:

  • Suspend, limit or interrupt access to all or part of the Website in order to carry out updates, modifications to its content or any other action it deems necessary.
  • Delete any information that may disrupt its operation or contravene national or international laws.

Article 6. Responsabilities

The Publisher is responsible for the content that it has published itself. However, the information provided on the Website is provided for information purposes only, it is non-contractual, and the Publisher cannot be held liable for any inaccuracy in the information published. It may be modified or updated without notice. The Publisher also reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to make improvements and/or modifications to the Website.
The Publisher cannot be held liable in particular for:

  • Damages of any nature, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the Website and in particular any operating loss, financial or commercial loss, loss of programs and/or data in particular in the User’s information system, linked in particular but not exhaustively to technical, IT or compatibility failures of the Website with hardware or software;
  • Damages of any nature, direct or indirect, resulting from the content and/or use of the Website or to which Users may have access via the Website;
  • Any omissions and/or errors that the Website may contain;
  • Illegal content or activities that may be present on the Website, without the user having duly acknowledged them within the meaning of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy.

Use of the Website implies a loyal attitude from the User, in compliance with the T&Cs, at the risk of incurring liability. He is responsible for his use of the Website. The Publisher may not incur any liability if, in the event of force majeure or events beyond its control or justified necessity, it is required to modify, suspend or delete the Website. The Publisher disclaims any liability relating to any possible dissatisfaction of Users with the content of the Website or its operation.

The Publisher will not be responsible for any malfunction of the “Internet” network preventing the proper functioning of the Website, in particular due to external malicious acts.

The Publisher may not be held responsible in the event that one or more Users are unable to connect to their User account (if any) due to any technical fault or any problem linked in particular to network congestion.

The Publisher makes every effort to provide Users with available and verified information and/or tools, but cannot be held responsible for errors (in particular display errors on the Website, sending of erroneous emails), a lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses on the Website or on the websites to which the Website redirects, any malfunction of the Internet network preventing the proper functioning of the Website (in particular due to external malicious acts); interruptions, data transmission delays, failures of the terminal, the User’s telephone line, servers, Internet access providers, telephone operators, computer equipment, software; the loss of any email and more generally, the loss of any data, the consequences of any virus, computer bug, anomaly, technical failure, any damage caused to a User’s terminal, any technical, hardware or software failure of any nature, having prevented or limited the possibility of using the Website or having damaged a User’s system.

The User of the Website is liable for damages of any nature, material or immaterial, direct or indirect, caused to any third party, including the Publisher, due to the illicit use or exploitation of the Website itself and/or any of its elements, regardless of the cause and place of occurrence of such damages and guarantees the Publisher against the consequences of any claims or actions to which it may be subject as a result. The User of the Website waives any recourse against the Publisher in the event of legal proceedings brought by a third party against it due to the illicit use and/or exploitation of the Website.

It is the responsibility of each User to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software stored on their telephone equipment against any attack. Any person’s connection to the Website is done under their sole responsibility.

Likewise, use of the Website implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limitations of the Internet, the lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation or hacking and the risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating on the network.

Any attempt by a User or any person to deliberately damage the Website constitutes a breach of civil and criminal regulations and the Publisher reserves the right to prosecute the perpetrator of any action of this nature.

Users declare and acknowledge that they are aware of the characteristics, risks and constraints of the Internet and in particular that the transmission of data and information on the Internet only benefits from relative technical reliability, as they circulate on heterogeneous networks with diverse technical characteristics and capacities which disrupt access or make it impossible at certain times.

Article 7. Intellectual property

The Publisher owns the intellectual property rights or holds usage rights on all content and elements accessible on the Website, including downloadable content, but also and non-exhaustively: brands, graphic charter, logos, photographs, icons, plans, texts, sounds, videos which are protected as such by laws and treaties on intellectual property throughout the world.

These legal notices do not entail any transfer of intellectual property rights to the User of the Website and do not authorize any representation, adaptation, reproduction, exploitation, in whole or in part, and/or modification of the elements, on any medium whatsoever, on which the Publisher holds intellectual property rights, except with the prior written authorization of the Publisher. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an act of counterfeiting that may incur the civil and/or criminal liability of its author, in accordance with the provisions of Articles L335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. The Publisher reserves the right to take legal action against any person who has not complied with this prohibition.

Article 8. Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction

These General Terms of Use are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought either before one of the courts with territorial jurisdiction under the French Code of Civil Procedure, or before the court of the place where the User resided at the time of the conclusion of the contract or the occurrence of the damaging event.

Article 9. Contact

For any questions or requests for information concerning the Website, the User can contact the Publisher at the following email address: